Tucson velodrome committee asks for online support

Members of the Arizona Velodrome Committee posted on Friday a petition in which supporters can formally declare their backing of a velodrome in Tucson.

The committee created the online form after the Pima County bond advisory committee requested more specific information from the group at a do-or-die meeting for the velodrome. The bond committee postponed its vote until Jan. 23 at 8 a.m. at the Arizona River Park Inn, 350 South Freeway.

Pima County bond committee postpones vote on velodrome

“Rather than having everyone send in an e-mail, we can instead send the contents of the form to the [bond committee],” said Joey Iuliano, a member of the velodrome committee. “The form takes less time/effort to do than an e-mail. Plus, we can demonstrate that people would vote for the bond, which is important.”

Proponents of the plan, proposed nearly a decade ago, are asking the county to keep the $5 million velodrome idea on the docket of items for a future bond election, which has been postponed for years due to recession turmoil. Now the committee is looking at what projects should remain.

The Tucson velodrome proposal has survived the cut each time the bond advisory committee has whittled down its list of projects, and supporters are optimistic that it will survive again.

But the bond committee cited concerns that the velodrome does not have a confirmed location and it currently has no in-kind support. It also questioned whether the track could actually be profitable.

The online petition asks for support of the “Arizona Bicycle Center,” which includes “an education center, practice safety site and velodrome,” according to the form.

“The facility will be more than just a track with classrooms and space for practicing skills,” Iuliano said.

The petition also gauges the level of interest in a velodrome, how much users would pay for an annual membership and if they would be willing to sponsor the track’s construction.

Sign the Arizona Bicycle Center petition/take the survey

Sarah Muench